Screen Printing Supplies
Screen companion products and chemicals for screen printing with Jacquard Professional Screen Printing Inks and Versatex Screen Printing Inks.
Permanent screen printing inks for most surfaces: fabric, paper, plastic, vinyl, leather, metal and more!
Create a positive stencil on a silk screen and to achieve a “painterly” effect.
Perfect for fixing pinholes, negative space printing or creating stencils directly in a silk screen.
Use to create photographic negatives for SolarFast printing and film positives for screen printing applications.
Used to increase the viscosity of SolarFast Dyes for screen printing applications.
Mix with Versatex Screen Printing Inks to make them more transparent. Extender will not alter the texture or consistency of the ink.
Semi-transparent, screen printing inks ideal for silk screening, stenciling or block printing on paper and fabric.