By: Ana Buzzalino
Quilting Arts Magazine
Fall 2021
Ana Buzzalino shares her process and technique for successful monoprinting in this step-by-step article. Jacquard’s Textile Color paint is ideal for creating prints on fabric, leaves fabric soft and holds up exceptionally well to washing.
Quilting Arts Magazine
Summer 2021
Create unique, marbled fabrics that are perfect for quilting, mixed-media art and clothing! Melissa DeLisio’s article gives step-by-step marbling instructions using Jacquard’s Dye-Na-Flow paint, Alum & Carrageenan. Pattern ideas and notes for marbling success are also included.
Quilting Arts Magazine
Dec 2020 / Jan 2021
Artist, Lauretta Crites, uses Jacquard’s Lumiere metallic paint to colorize Tyvek, creating beautiful, dimensional leaf accents for art quilts. Find out more about working with this unique, synthetic material in Lauretta’s article.
Quilting Arts Magazine
June/July 2019
Learn about painting custom cloth for pieced art quilts from textile artist MJ Kinman (featuring Jacquard’s Dye-Na-Flow) in this article from the June/July issue of Quilting Arts magazine.
Quilting Arts Magazine
April/May 2019
Learn about the new wet cyanotype process (featuring Jacquard's Cyanotype Set) in Lesley Riley's article from the April/May issue of Quilting Arts magazine.
Cosplay Culture Magazine
August 2018
If you're looking to dye your cosplay wigs with confidence, check out this reference guide by Cowbutt Crunchies! Featuring Jacquard's iDye Poly in customizing several popular brands of wigs, the guide also includes detailed dyeing instructions as well as a handy color level / dye time chart.
Quilting Arts Magazine
Aug/Sept 2018
Susan Brubaker Knapp explains the simplification of traditional batik techniques using soy wax, traditional tjanting tools and Jacquard's Dye-Na-Flow, in this colorful article.
Interweave Crochet Magazine
Summer 2018
Maria O'Keefe explores the magic and science of shibori dyeing, featuring Jacquard's Indigo Tie Dye Kit, in her inspiring article.
Click HERE for more Indigo Tips & Tricks!
Quilting Arts Magazine
February/March 2018
Martha Wolfe's background in printmaking influences her stunning, multi-dimensional textile work. Learn her secrets to successful sun printing, featuring Jacquard's Dye-Na-Flow.
Airbrush Step-by-Step Magazine
August/September 2016
Sven Gugger (aka: Sneakersnbonsai) transforms a pair of plain, black sneakers into unique, artistic footwear using Jacquard’s Airbrush Colors and Neopaque paints.
Altered Couture Magazine
May/June/July 2016
Add new life to vintage and used clothing! In her article, Annette Sindel uses Jacquard’s Indigo Tie Dye Kit to over-dye an old dress and make it beautiful again. The enjoyment of creating unique looks from recycled clothing, and her love of indigo, have inspired Annette to make a whole line of clothing for her shop. What’s in your closet?
Dasherie Magazine
Winter 2015-2016
by: Lindsey Bugbee – The Postman’s Knock
The versatility of Jacquard’s Lumiere paint expands to calligraphy! Artist Lindsey Bugbee shares her recipe for using Lumiere as a calligraphic ink. She also describes how Lumiere adds elegance to paper, when used as a paint, on both light and dark surfaces.
Quilting Arts Magazine
February/March 2016
Follow Sue Reno’s process of creating beautiful cyanotype prints while reviewing Jacquard’s Cyanotype Pretreated Fabric Sheets and Cyanotype Set. Sue also offers tips for printing cyanotype images on fabric and a simple guide to working with transparencies.
Bound and Lettered Magazine
Spring 2016
by: Joi Hunt, photography by: Dano Keeney
Joi Hunt shares how to create metallic ink for calligraphy using Pearl Ex Powdered Pigments. Joi also writes about the history of using metallic ink in calligraphy and her involvement in the development of Jacquard’s Metallic Calligraphy Set and the new Pearl Ex color, Rose Gold.
Vogue Patterns Magazine
Dec 2015/Jan 2016
Diane Ericson teams up with her son, Miles Frode, to create unique shirts using Jacquard’s Dye-Na-Flow, Lumiere, Neopaque, and Textile Color paints, Tee Juice Markers, and deColourant.
“This collaboration was about exploring and combining our design preferences with the passion we both have for painting and drawing.” – Diane Ericson
Quilting Arts Magazine
Oct/Nov 2015
Artist Cecile Whatman shares her expertise on how to make custom, fabric backgrounds using Jacquard’s Dye-Na-Flow and Lumiere paint. This article has step-by-step instructions, tips and encourages creativity!
Art Materials Retailer Magazine
Fall 2015
Sal Amezcua of “Kickstradomis,” and many other artists, are using Jacquard Airbrush Color to customize sneakers, a growing trend discussed in this article. Follow Sal on Instagram @kickstradomis or search the hashtag #customs.
Argus-Courier Newspaper
September 17, 2015 - by Ella Ban
Click here to read this great article in the “Argus-Courier” newspaper about Oscar Bevilaqua and Jodi Mullen’s clothing business, YeahYeah!PonyPrince, in Petaluma, CA. They create hand-made, organic-fiber clothing. Bevilaqua and Mullen also use woodblock printing techniques, along with Jacquard’s Textile Color paint, to print designs on their garments for clients like Lagunitas Brewery.
Martha Stewart Living
July/August 2015
Summer may end and memories may fade, but photographs are meant to last and last. Check out this Martha Stewart Article that shows new ways to keep the memories alive using Jacquard Inkjet Fabric Sheets.
Threads Magazine, Embellishments section
April/May 2015
Check out this complete step-by-step tutorial of the Serti technique using Jacquard’s Gutta Resist, Removable Water-based Resist and Silk Colors. Learn from master silk painter, Deborah Younglao, how to stretch silk, apply the resist and paint with dyes.
"Dye becomes a part of the fabric, instead of sitting on the surface like paint, so the silk’s natural luminosity shows through the fabric retains its softness and fluid drape.” - Deborah Younglao
Silkworm Magazine
Spring 2015
See the depth and texture of Asher Katz’s artwork and learn about his history in this article from Silkworm magazine.
Quilting Arts Magazine
June/July 2014
Dee Conlon is quick to try new products. She also has a passion for experimenting with different dyes to see the many effects that can be achieved. Once she was introduced to Jacquard’s sunlight developing dye, SolarFast, Dee found many methods to produce art: photo negative printing, shadow printing and resist dyeing. This article illustrates step-by-step instructions of her process as well as tips and techniques for using SolarFast.
Vogue Patterns Magazine
June/July 2014
Diane Ericson explores the process of creating a custom shirt in this article. She alters existing garments, adds stenciled planes using Jacquard’s Neopaque paint and draws fine details with Tee Juice Fabric Art Markers to create a beautiful piece of wearable art.
Airbrush Action Magazine
May/June 2014
Troy Pierce, a professional airbrush artist, captures the beauty of Edie Sedgwick using Jacquard’s Airbrush Color and then makes prints of her portrait using SolarFast dye in this article. This collage of portraits on different surfaces, and with different colors, exemplifies Pop Art and shows off the versatility of SolarFast.
Vogue Patterns Magazine
February/March 2014
In this article, Diane Ericson discusses inspiration, techniques and design options for embellishing garments with Jacquard's Tee Juice Fabric Art Markers.
Art Materials Retailer Magazine
Winter 2014
Learn about Jacquard’s history, the constant improvement of our products and how we fuel trends in this interview with our president, Asher Katz!
November 2013
Read about Jason Snyder and Briana Feola's (Brainstorm Print + Design) fascinating journey from art students to professional screen printers. They use Jacquard's Screen Printing Ink and have produced high-quality art prints for a variety of venues and customers including Billy Name, Urban Outfitters and the Met.
Quilting Arts Magazine
October/November 2013
Explore step-by-step instructions and tips for using Jacquard's Color Magnet in this article by Sue Bleiweiss.
Quilting Arts Magazine
August/September 2013
Check out this article by Lynn Krawczyk that puts Jacquard's Puff Additive to the test.
June 2013
Excerpt from page:
"Fabric paints often turn material stiff. Not the case with these fade-proof colors, which can be applied with a brush or stamp.”